Dust-Tight Bag Solution
NEW - FAWEMA Technology for 100% dust-tight and leak-proof paper bags
Thanks to in-depth studies together with strategic industry partners, FAWEMA is proud to present to the market our new system for dust-tight and leak-proof paper bags to be packed on FAWEMA equipment. This innovative new system can be included as standard on new FAWEMA equipment or it can be retro-fitted to older FAWEMA machinery already installed and working on-site.
Furthermore, due to the fact that the system is universal, it means that local paper bag suppliers, in all parts of the globe, are able to furnish the bags without any problem and at very little cost difference compared to a regular SOS paper bag.
After lengthy tests at the FAWEMA HQ in Germany we can guarantee that the new system works perfectly on FAWEMA packing machinery and causes absolutely no reduction in machine speed. The results have been outstandingly positive:
- Totally leak-proof finished packs.
- No risk of tampering or introduction of foreign bodies into the packs.
- Hygienic and approved for use when packing human food-stuffs.
- Overall cleaner supply chain from packer to supermarket shelf.
The perfect FAWEMA solution
for cost-effective, dust-free
and leak-proof packaging
of all your products.